Saturday, November 28, 2009


Sumerian Experience:

Do it the Cuneiform way!

World lit students in their quest for the best tablet creation...

Cuneiform is the system of writing in Ancient Sumeria.The sumerians used "wedge-shaped" symbols to represent their idea or message. They used  a pointed-tip object or "stylus" to carve the symbols into a soft clay tablet before it hardens.

These students were making their good share in the history.  :-)
It's fun to create and share... try it yourself!

"the finished products"

Literary Focus: The Epic of Gilgamesh
Questions to ponder:

1. Who is Gilgamesh? How is his character described in the story?
2. What is the role of Enkidu in the story? Why did he oppose the decision of the gods to end his life?
3. What is the most striking line/ group of words presented on the tablets (from tablet 8 to 11)? How is it affecting your present situation or belief?

Reflections from the

English majors

Rachel ann says...

Annabel says...

Thoughts from the CCS


John Kenneth says...